Monday, April 22, 2013

The top is pieced

What a crazy weekend this has been, and I can't believe that I actually got any sewing done.  Though, I have to admit, I didn't exercise at all.  

On Friday we had a worker here to patch all of those (13) rod holes we found in our basement ages ago, as well as 2 vertical cracks.  While he was working away I started making a cupcake/cake stand for my cousin's baby shower.  It's funny- with things like this I have better luck searching pinterest rather than google.  It turned out pretty good- I'm just hoping it stays together!

Great idea, pinterest.

I'm going to put a 6" mini cake on top

After that we went to a birthday party for a neighbor where I (shockingly) stayed up until 12:30!  I know, I know, party animal.

Sherwin Williams was having an amazing sale so we decided to pick up some paint to patch places in a bathroom as well as paint for the basement wall we destroyed.  They have this nifty color matching machine which has worked well for us in the past and was able to match perfectly the basement color, but the purple for the bathroom was a disaster.  I ended up going home and cutting a piece of drywall out to be able to get a better match, which still didn't work.  Thankfully they were able to manually guess what needed to be added and we got something that is quite close.  I haven't had the chance to paint anything with it, but my fingers are crossed.  I really don't want to repaint the whole thing because they have yet another wall paper border in it and I actually like it.  

We also put on a trailer hitch on our Saturn, cleaned the mess in the basement, crafted for the baby shower some more, did the laundry, went to Home Depot 3 times, practiced making monster cupcakes, washed the floors, and sewed.  

I am sooooo happy with this baby blanket!  I wish it were mine.  I need to see about duplicating it for myself and my sister because it is adorable.  See?

I'm going to put a dark brown binding on it.  I just want to squeeze it!  It is going off to the quilter this week, hopefully!  Now I need to work on a couple for twins next.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm famous!

Well, kind of.  Our project was featured in the local paper :)

You should probably read about it and see me in my lovely orange gumby suit!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I'm on a roll now... ?


Look what I made this weekend!

I'm adding these to my panel quilt.  I'm so happy with them, I just want to hang them on the wall.  Since this is the quilt of firsts, I saw this block and thought why not?  They match well with what I put on the top so I went to work.  Yesterday when I was creating the the first two, I found a reason to leave them alone.  They took me like, 3 hours.  And they are only 6" blocks.  Ugh.

Looking for a quick 6" block to shimmy up to it, I thought a 9 patch would be good.  I put some pieces on the floor for appearance sake and called in the husband.  He hated it.  Ugh again.  So then I decided to throw in the towel and make 2 more stars.  Good news!  The rabbits went so much faster since I knew what I was doing.  So thankful.  

Now as the husband puts it, I'm back to staring.  At this.

He also asked me if I was aware that everything wasn't the same size.  Haha, no sweets, I did not realize that this was a puzzle.  Thanks for pointing that out :)

This week is our first full week of field work and to be honest, I'm kind of dreading it.  One of the gear types we are dropping this year just is not conducive to the strength of the current and I had to cut lines and leave an anchor on the bottom of the river last week in an extremely dangerous situation.  We were all, literally, shaking in our boots.  I hope we don't have to do it again, but you just never know what the boss will say.

I hope you all have a lovely week!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Making Progress

So this weekend I sat down again and finally tackled more of this paneled baby blanket I am creating.  It went well, surprisingly!  Though I have learned I hate panels.  Too much math and creativity is involved.  My cousin better love this :)

So far I have put together the top three main blocks with some spacer blocks, and added a border to all of the blocks in the panel.  I decided my next "spacer series" is going to be a row of hourglass blocks.  This row is going to be duplicated beneath the block with the boat as well.  I asked husband's opinions of color scheme here, so I hope they look good when I put them in.  I finished 8 or 10 while husband was watching b-ball and have another 6 or 4 to go.  Then I need to make a couple blocks to saddle up to the side of the boat panel and decide what to do from there.

It has been interesting though, since every block I've made thus far has been a new one for me.  I made 4 pinwheels and I am happy with 2 which went into the top section of the quilt.  The two I need to make next are some version of the Ohio Star and a Nine-Patch.

I have another crazy busy week ahead of me so I know I won't have time to touch this again until maybe Saturday afternoon.  Field work this year will, most certainly, eat my life.  When that's not eating my nights, boot camp will.  Or it will be a combination of the two.  Which was a ridiculously stupid idea I had thinking I should do some heavy lifting all day then go to Miss Killer's class.  Only two more weeks of it though, then I can just keep to field work.  

My mom is also coming to visit this Friday.  Mostly because I'm forcing her too.  She is a putzer, even with taxes, so I scheduled her appointment with my tax man and am going with her Friday to be sure she gets them done and in on time.  After that, I have no idea how I will entertain her.  Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can dink around in the yard :)

I hope you all had a nice weekend!