Monday, July 9, 2012

My Second Finish!


I am so happy that I am finally done with my Christmas Tree Quilt!  We were vacationing in "up north" Michigan from Wednesday to Sunday and I actually got some tasks done!  The first few days were just too hot to move so we spent plenty of time in the water and on the jet skiis, but Friday morning and Saturday I was on the move!  Well, on the move so to speak :)  Richard was playing volleyball with all of our cove neighbors while I sat back, watched, and kept binding!

This is a pretty terrible picture, but I could barely get Richard to stand still for it

I can't get this one right in blogger so you'll just have to turn your head :)
Pretty snowflakes from the long arm!

When we got back Sunday evening I went outside to check the bird feeders and water my flowers and this guy decided to hitch a ride on my leg.  Just about gave me a heart attack!  I was about to go inside and I felt a prickle.  Naturally assuming it was a mosquito I went to bash it's head in and holy cow!  Green Monster! 
It's like it can see my soul
There was a lot of screaming as I attempted to knock it off without killing it.  Those things have a grip, I tell you what.  I also have no idea how I used to catch them as a child since they creep me out so badly now!  Consequently, I dreamed about spiders last night :-/

I got all my HST for Sliced Apples all trimmed up and ready to be layed out.  I really, really wanted to do it last night but I just didn't have the time.  I dread the night back from vacation because it is just so exhausting for me with all the cleaning and unpacking.  I need a day after the vacation to recoup!  Good news is that I actually won something for participating in the QAL!  I couldn't even believe it because I never win anything!  Mr. Random must have known that I haven't gotten any fabric in a while :)  Thanks Pam and Cori-  I can't wait for the next one!

I hope you had a lovely holiday!


  1. Lovely quilt - yes, the first time I have seen anyone win a QAL with out making the quilt.

  2. Love the Christmas trees--and I'm glad the green monster was spared, but sorry he scared ya! (would've scared me too!;-)

  3. Your Christmas tree quilt is awesome.Is there a pattern for it?

  4. ooooo!!! i love those trees! did Liz do the quilting? she just finished quilting snowflakes (on a Wintergraphiz star) for me, but i haven't seen it yet ... i hope that mine are the same as yours cuz they are waaaay cool!

  5. I love how this one came out! It is gorgeous! You are one lucky girl. It was fun to be able to choose from ALL participants using FLICKR rather than just those that finished. Gives everyone a chance and encourages everyone to work on it. Good job on the Christmas quilt sweetie!!


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