Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crafty Item: Sewing machine cover!

One of my Crafty projects this month {and to be honest, last month} was to make a sewing machine cover.  I followed the pattern used in the Holiday Lane Blog Hop, but I altered it because I didn't actually want to have a winter cover.  I hate the cold.  And also because who knows the next time I will actually make one of these.  My cover is very simple.  See?

ignore the mess!

I had to measure my machine and alter the pattern so the scale would look right, and because I'm a country girl and dislike close houses, I decreased the amount there were and added some super cute trees in their place.  I love them.  They are my favorite part!  I embroidered a {giant} bird, and she's also pretty cute though she doesn't stand out very well.  I might add more decorative stuffs later. 

To make it, I worked on the front panel, then added enough fabric to cover the top and back.  I lined it with batting and some white fabric scraps that my Grandma had and I inherited and quilted it very simply.  Vertical lines on the front and diagonals on the back.  Then I added the sides.  It was kind of an experience since this was my first 3D piece I've ever done, but it came together.  Then I machine bound it, which I like because it looks much more like grass.  Mama Spark made one which more closely follows the pattern.  Hers has open sides that tie with ribbon.  There is a fancy tutorial and everything!  If you'd like to know how I made mine, let me know!

I want to make another one out of strips of batik fabrics and add a pocket so I can store some notions.  Someday :)  I hope this gave you some inspiration for your own sewing machine covers!

I also started an MSU wall hanging last weekend as a secret santa gift for a cousin.  It is basically a mini version of my MSU quilt-in-progress for my dad.  By the way, it is nearly done!  I can't wait to show you!  Hopefully I'll wrap that up this upcoming weekend!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Things of string

Hey guys!  It's been a while!  I've been super busy, just like many of you!  It is the holidays after all.  I have been working on a few projects, one of them is made of string!

I needed to learn how to knit to made some adorable baby booties for my cousin who is trying for a baby so I used a day when I was sick to lay in bed and watch youtube.  I made a cabled tea cozy!  I didn't finish it in that day, though, because I had to rip it out 5 times to get it right and then I still messed up and decided to keep going {Oh right, just like how I sew}. 

It doesn't look too bad though, if I do say so myself :)  I just need to add buttons and snuggle it against my favorite mug.
Other things that have kept me occupied:  our house, vacation, and field work. 
We are refinancing our house into a lower interest rate so DH and I were frantically running around our house before and after vacation of these last two weeks trying to get things done for the appraisal.  We finally boxed in our office.  It looks amazing!  We also had to repaint a ceiling and put in lots of new light fixtures.  I finished putting up curtains in every room {which I'm still blown away from}, and then I had to patch drywall and paint.  Plus the cleaning.  Oh my gracious, the cleaning.
Before we left for vacation to Florida, Richard decided that he needed to complicate matters for us.  He was changing a light bulb that hangs over our staircase.  Sounds simple, but to reach it you have to use a ladder that converts to scaffolding, cover the scaffolding with wood, and then top that with another ladder to reach it.  Richard got that far by himself since I'm so terrified of heights that just standing on our landing is a victory for me.  Well, he needed help folding the ladder back into its "standard" position so when I helped and walked away I said, "Now don't forget to lock that ladder before you put up that ceiling fan."  20 minutes later I heard a decent thud.  Normally thuds in our house are followed up by a "Are you OK?" .. "Yes I just dropped the {hammer, drill, level, tote, chair, etc}".  Not this time.  I got a lot of grunting responses.  I thought he had broke his foot but after bounding upstairs I saw the ladder had gone through the wall and Richard was on the floor holding his hand which seemed to be bleeding quite well.  I knew my first aid from work would come in handy!  Downstairs to our bathroom we went where I wrapped him and told him we needed to go get stitches.  Since we still had so much to do, obviously he refused until our nurse neighbor said to go get them.  Thanks Kelly.  Off to the urgent care we went where I nearly passed out and the doctor made me lay on the bed with Richard until I got some color back.  We decided that I might not be able to handle children.

But doesn't it look wonderful??
New lighting!

 Then we went to Florida.  It was a short trip, but we had fun doing basically nothing.  We did go to the Miami Seaquarium though, and it was pretty fantastic.  I thought there would be more fish, but it was mostly marine mammals.  Whatever, I'll take it :)

I hope you all have a very happy thanksgiving! Doing any black friday shopping??  I hear JAF has some pretty good bargins...