Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crafty Item: Sewing machine cover!

One of my Crafty projects this month {and to be honest, last month} was to make a sewing machine cover.  I followed the pattern used in the Holiday Lane Blog Hop, but I altered it because I didn't actually want to have a winter cover.  I hate the cold.  And also because who knows the next time I will actually make one of these.  My cover is very simple.  See?

ignore the mess!

I had to measure my machine and alter the pattern so the scale would look right, and because I'm a country girl and dislike close houses, I decreased the amount there were and added some super cute trees in their place.  I love them.  They are my favorite part!  I embroidered a {giant} bird, and she's also pretty cute though she doesn't stand out very well.  I might add more decorative stuffs later. 

To make it, I worked on the front panel, then added enough fabric to cover the top and back.  I lined it with batting and some white fabric scraps that my Grandma had and I inherited and quilted it very simply.  Vertical lines on the front and diagonals on the back.  Then I added the sides.  It was kind of an experience since this was my first 3D piece I've ever done, but it came together.  Then I machine bound it, which I like because it looks much more like grass.  Mama Spark made one which more closely follows the pattern.  Hers has open sides that tie with ribbon.  There is a fancy tutorial and everything!  If you'd like to know how I made mine, let me know!

I want to make another one out of strips of batik fabrics and add a pocket so I can store some notions.  Someday :)  I hope this gave you some inspiration for your own sewing machine covers!

I also started an MSU wall hanging last weekend as a secret santa gift for a cousin.  It is basically a mini version of my MSU quilt-in-progress for my dad.  By the way, it is nearly done!  I can't wait to show you!  Hopefully I'll wrap that up this upcoming weekend!

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