Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hey! I made something!

So I was pretty happy with myself for sitting down and sewing this weekend.  I didn't have a ton of time, but I did manage to make this:

It's a case for my cell phone so my purse won't kill it.  I'm pretty happy with it other than the fact that I made it too big width wise.  The tutorial I followed used an iPhone and I have an android so I attempted to make it bigger to accommodate my larger screen.  The problem was it didn't really give good finished dimensions to work backwards from, so I googled how big an iPhone was and then guessed from there.  It gets the job done, and that's all that really matters.  Plus I love my turtle and hedge hog (left overs from the little apples charm pack).

I also made a napkin.  Yes, you read that correctly.  A napkin.  They apparently take a lot longer and are a little more finicky than I thought so I got impatient and left the room.  One person next Christmas will have a nice napkin though :)

This week I started a body boot camp class.  It was obnoxious.  I've been running 3 miles at an incline every day and have been incorporating some weight exercises after, as well as an ab routine.  I thought I was doing pretty well and this class could help me overcome my plateau that I've hit.  Well let me tell you, running 3 miles is apparently a cake walk compared to this.  My instructor is the equivalent of a psychotic Jillian Michaels on steroids.  I was dripping (ew) sweat within the first 5 minutes of class.  I couldn't even believe it.  At one point the entire class was bent over, panting, just watching the instructor do the move we were supposed to be mimicking   I would be lying if I said I wasn't humored.  It made me feel better that we were all in it together.

That was Tuesday.  I have another class tonight.  And I feel like I've been run over by a semi-truck.  My abs, back, and shoulders are killing me.  I am shaking in my boots for what is to come and praying that I don't look like a miserable idiot this evening.  The good news is though, if the intensity keeps up I will probably end up crawling over this plateau on my hands and knees.  Assuming I will be able to exercise this weekend.  Here's to health!

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