Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..

You know Dori from Finding Nemo?  I hear her serenading me on daily basis.  I don't think I'm crazy, but this song has been me for the start of this year.  So much has happened between now and January that, when I was thinking about it yesterday, I really had no idea what went on.  I don't even have photo documentation for most things, so really, my chaotic life must not be very fascinating.  Here are some things that have been occupying me lately:

Last year I kind of dropped the ball on Richard's birthday.  He didn't get a gift from me.  I was supposed to get him the corn hole game since he enjoys playing it during the summer.  I wanted to get him custom ones, but I just wasn't happy with my options at the time.  Well, a year later, I had them made.  They are awesome though, so I don't feel all that bad for the delay.  It took me a long time to find someone who was fantastic at woodworking and gave me a good price.

Happy late birthday, honey.

This is our new huge monstrosity garbage disposal after the old one decided it was time to simply dump all of the water that came out of the tap directly through the bottom of the sink into the cabinet.  That was fun.  Husband picking the biggest  most highly rated disposal he could- that we had to order and wait for shipping?  Also loads of fun since I was out of a sink for 6 days.  We also had sump pump issues, roof vent issues, and basement leak issues.  Some are better, some are still works in progress.

Garbage disposal disaster, 7 days later.
 He did redeem himself, however.  After I cleaned the daylights out of the cabinet I wanted to tile over it in order to easily clean future leaks.  Being just like a man, I was going to do it myself, but then husband said "Why don't I do this and you can do other things?"  What? Oh, ok... um... I'll just... go over here and um... vacuum while I contemplate what just happened.   

Thanks for the idea, pinterest.

Then I went to West Virginia for work.  I helped teach people how to ID larval fish, which is so captivating I know you want to hear all about it. Perhaps another time.. I didn't take any good "pretty" pictures.  It was mostly food. 

I ate terribly
And also this one of a random jewelry store inside of a Kroger.  That also sells furniture.  Who does that?

Then I told Richard I had enough with at least one shelf of our pantry and I was going to buy a pull out drawer for it.  And he just said, "ok."  So we went and bought it... then he put it in.  In the same morning.  I think that my husband is turning into a mutant.

Really, this is life changing
I can see everything

We had family over for Richard's Grandpa's 88th birthday!  I forced pictures on them.  Lesson learned from not taking enough of my own grandparents.

bottom left: FIL, Grandpa, Husband
I also cooked a lot.  Way more than these photos.  I'm vastly expanding my recipe collection, again, thanks to pinterest.

I'm in my 9th week of boot camp.  No pictures.  Just imagine a giant hot mess.  That's what I look like every Tuesday and Thursday. 

We bought a new (used) Saturn Vue for Richard to replace his aging Grand Prix.  You never know when you are going to need a family car!

Annie has been getting into various shenanigans   

We start field work next week!  It's crazy at work and will continue until December.  Thanks, climate change!
(not me)


Tomorrow I'm getting my taxes done, going to the dentist, and visiting my pregnant cousin.  Not too much longer until July and her little boy will be here!  Hopefully Sunday I will get more than 1 block done on her quilt since I'm running out of time :)

I hope you are having a lovely day!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How Stacey approaches panels.

I haven't sat down and worked on a quilt since December.  It's mid-March.  Wow.  Here is how it went:

Step 1: Pull out fabric.  Iron, realize you need to pre-wash.  Momentarily give up and go to kitchen to find baked goods.

Step 2: Throw fabric into washing machine.  Go back to sewing room.  Observe disaster from the last project.  Contemplate adding current project to the top to create a nice layering effect of clutter.

Step 3: Give up and start cleaning.  But not really cleaning.  More like putting crap in totes and line the room with them.

Step 4:  Get fabric from wash.  Iron again.  Think about cleaning that dirty fish tank.

Step 5:  Stare panel down.  Get intimated   Walk back to kitchen for baked goods.  Begin making a  fresh batch of cookies.

Step 6:  Return to sewing room.  Stare at panel.  Get out cutting mat and position panel on mat.  Click blade protector on rotary cutter back and fourth.  Set down blade.  Return to kitchen.  Stare at kitchen mess.  See what I can get into for lunch.

Step 7:  Go back to sewing room and attack panel with vigor.  Stare at pieces.

Step 8:  Google how to make blocks that were picked out since I've forgotten since I chose them.  Get distracted on pintrest.  Eat a cookie.

Step 9:  Go grocery shopping.

Step 10:  Come home, stare in sewing room.  Unload groceries.  Start prepping for dinner.

Step 11:  Sew one block as a test.  Be pretty pleased and quit for the day.

Now I can finally say that I've started my cousin's baby blanket!  And by the way, it's a boy and the shower is mid-May.  Which means I have two months to make this thing.  Hmm..