Step 1: Pull out fabric. Iron, realize you need to pre-wash. Momentarily give up and go to kitchen to find baked goods.
Step 2: Throw fabric into washing machine. Go back to sewing room. Observe disaster from the last project. Contemplate adding current project to the top to create a nice layering effect of clutter.
Step 3: Give up and start cleaning. But not really cleaning. More like putting crap in totes and line the room with them.
Step 4: Get fabric from wash. Iron again. Think about cleaning that dirty fish tank.
Step 5: Stare panel down. Get intimated Walk back to kitchen for baked goods. Begin making a fresh batch of cookies.
Step 7: Go back to sewing room and attack panel with vigor. Stare at pieces.
Step 8: Google how to make blocks that were picked out since I've forgotten since I chose them. Get distracted on pintrest. Eat a cookie.
Step 9: Go grocery shopping.
Step 10: Come home, stare in sewing room. Unload groceries. Start prepping for dinner.
Step 11: Sew one block as a test. Be pretty pleased and quit for the day.
Now I can finally say that I've started my cousin's baby blanket! And by the way, it's a boy and the shower is mid-May. Which means I have two months to make this thing. Hmm..
LOL OMG I feel this is how my life goes! Thanks for the chuckle!! Love that panel!