Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Remember the bad?

Well here it is.

Looks like we will be remodeling our basement!  Not exactly how I anticipated it happening, but at least we caught it before it got worse.  This Friday someone will be out to take a peak and let us know how much it will cost to repair it.  My uncle (who is amazingly awesome) said that he could help us rehang the drywall to save some cash.  Without me asking.  What a nice guy :)

So, it's 2013!  Happy New Year everyone!  I couldn't wait to put 2012 behind me and get on with 2013.  So many bad things happened this year for so long that '13 will almost certainly be better!

Any-who, I've done exactly zero sewing since the last time I posted.  I took some time off to spend with the hubby before his busy season started (today), so now I won't see him until February.  I'm sleeping when he gets home and he's magically in bed when I leave in the mornings.  The good news?  I get to eat cereal and not have to make dinner for an entire month!  It will definitely give me some good treadmill time in the evenings.  And in my defense, I did clean my machine at least, thanks to craftsy.  And I watched some serious how-to videos.  I mean, that's almost like making something.

I hope you all had a lovely new year!  Any resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you have to deal with the basement issue. Hopefully your 2013 will be better.


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