Monday, February 20, 2012

Christmas Trees and New Friends!

Thank you all for taking the time to stop by!  I couldn't believe it today when I emerged from my sewing room to discover everyone who had viewed my page since Mama Spark mentioned me on her last blog (thank you dear! and holy cow! on the progress made on her Dad's quilt). 

I had today off and wanted to get my Christmas trees at least in rows to maybe bring to the next quilting night.  This is where I'm at;

I have managed to sew together the horizontal rows but in the process of ironing all the seams I noticed that I did a very poor job matching sashings on some of them because I never intended to in the first place.  When putting the blocks together I noticed that some fit and some didn't- whatever, no big deal.  WRONG!  It is a big deal and I can't stop STARING at them!  I'm tempted to go through and rip them out and sew them back together but I spent 5 hours working on the stupid thing today and can't bring myself to do it yet.  To add to it there are some blocks that just won't match because the inner square turned into a monster for some reason so that disheartens me even more. 

I also have to decide if I should put a border around the whole thing or leave it be the way it is.  I'm tempted to leave it since my one experimental block turned into a table runner which turned into a lap quilt which turned into this odd two-person lap/decoration quilt thing.  Problem was I just couldn't stop making the blocks because they got cuter and cuter each time! 

I also received a lovely valentines card in the mail from my friend who moved south so now I have Hammy to watch over me in my sewing room.  I may bring him to work in attempts to have my friend's humor back at the lab :)

Any thoughts??  I'd love to hear them!


  1. Ok, so you need to learn about the warp and weft of fabric. I'll tell you all about it on Wed if you are coming. I think a border of green and red (like the blocks followed by a larger white one would be neat. Bring the quilt on Wed and we can work on borders and I will explain why I think you will be happier with borders. = )

  2. Your quilt is going to be fabulous! Very nice work :-)

  3. I see Mama has already spoken - same suggestion - take it to class and learn to work around it for now, but also, how to prevent in the future. Don't stress, enjoy the process! Yes, a lot of white that needs some of that color carried to the border.

  4. Here, here to what Pam and Sharon said! I'm over here from Pam's blog -- so nice to meet you! Your trees look great! :)

  5. Wonderful trees...Welcome to the blog world... coming at you from Mama Sparks world.....enjoy the journey!

  6. I think a border would look great on the quilt. It looks wonderful with out it too. When you add a border it just seems to give it that finishing touch and the blocks pop out more. Either way it is fabulous!

  7. I trust you got great advise from Mama Sparks class. I love the trees and think the quilt looks great. Quilting is an ongoing learning process. Just enjoy the process, and challenge yourself to learn more with each project.


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