Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This also has nothing to do with quilting, or fabric, or sewing, but it is the highlight of my week!

SO I'm working on this huge project that is super important for helping sturgeon rebound in the area between Lake Huron and Lake Erie in the Great Lakes.  {Here is some information about it, and a pretty AWESOME video of sturgeon on the reef still in progress!}.  We were out yesterday and today doing the St Clair River Egg mat survey (where we go look for spawning activity) and found these little beauties on the reef that is being built!

Sturgeon eggs!

Difficult to see, but a sturgeon is hatching!!
So fantastic that I just had to share.  It totally makes me feel like I am making a difference in my job by improving one of our most important resources!

1 comment:

  1. that's cool!!

    one of the lakes we fish in has an ongoing sturgeon population study. if you catch a sturgeon there's a number to call so they can tag it and you get a three year fishing license for free. if you catch a tagged sturgeon and call the number you get a lifetime license!!

    i still haven't caught one :)


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